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Jace Brown

Screenshot 2024-08-26 at


Jace Brown began his internship with BDG in July 2024, transitioning from a hands-on background in roles such as working at Pizza Hut to the more analytical and data-driven aspects of his new role. He found the desk work and data analysis to be a stimulating intellectual challenge. Jace commented, "I felt I had a solid perspective on how stores operate and the daily challenges they face. I was eager to bring that practical knowledge and understanding to this role."


Jace effectively utilized his firsthand experience in restaurant operations to offer valuable insights into issues such as food waste and customer traffic patterns. He emphasized the importance of approaching the internship with an open mind, advising future interns that while the work may initially seem challenging, the support of the team makes it manageable. Jace noted, "The collaborative nature of the team provided me with the opportunity to contribute my unique insights in a meaningful way." - Jace Brown

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